We decided on McDonald's. WHAT KID DOES NOT LIKE MCDONALDS!! For a few seconds I thought I was the most brillant parent in the world. They give you everything...cake, balloons, invitations, goodie bags, and happy meals for everyone. I didn't want to book someplace like Chuck E. Cheese's becuase I know a lot of us parents are a little burned out of that place and trying to pry your children out of that place is horrible. Another option was a water park, let's face it...none of us parent's really want to dress for the water park and then HAVE to stay for hours and then again pry the children out of there either.
I know, I said I wouldn't go into it. So here is the party invitation, because I know the one that McDonald's will provide won't be good enough for me. I thought this would be fun to send out and let the kiddos color it in.

What do you think? The image is digi from Dustin Pike. If you have never seen his blog or digi images....YOU HAVE TO GO CHECK IT OUT!!! Every Wednesday he has Freebies and also has a ton for sale. I was lucky enough to get it on the Super Sale and get a ton of them.
Digital Images (Digi's, Digi Images) are really handy. You can resize them and add sentiments directly from your computer and even color them with your own software. It's not something I know how to do, just something I have heard about. I like to use real stamps, but for mass production or certain occasions these sure do come in handy.
Off for more productivity..
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