Saturday, August 16, 2008

Big Time Blog Candy..

I need help bad!!! I am in my final week in my Philosophy of Human Conduct class. I don't want anyone to write the whole thing (but willing if someone wants to email me privately @ :-) anyways, I just need help with a topic for my final paper. The obvious topics that I have come up with are divorce and abortion, which neither interest me to write about. Please leave me possible topics in the comment section and I will be giving some really good blog candy to the winner. I will be choosing a winner by tomorrow (Sunday 08/17) at midnight. Here are the guidelines for the paper that might help...

Much of the work we will do on moral questions and moral theory in this course may seem very abstract. This is necessary when you are looking for the broadest understanding possible, but it also allows a certain casualness to work its way into the practice. "The Nazis were bad and it's good to be good to others" seems true, but all of this should lead us to put our money where our mouths are at some point. Thus, theory and explanation are the first steps we take as moral thinkers, and then we need to put our studies into practice.

For your final paper, write about a real contemporary problem where you see the status quo as lined up against something that is just or in favor of something that is unjust. Make a case for what you think would be just and argue for measures that should be taken to counteract that injustice. The stronger your measures, the greater your need to justify such measures. You must write in a careful, theoretical way. If you can make this assignment about your own experience or community, then all the better but you must support your arguments. You must use at least 8-10 outside sources in the construction of your argument.

I promise, your name and information will not be in the paper at all. I just need help thinking of a topic. My blog candy will be fabulous. I am not sure what yet, but fabulous. My last blog candy was a gift certificate to stamping bella, just so you know I don't give out poop. I may just ask the winner a couple of questions and decide a couple of choices and let you pick.

I just need HELP!!!



Cheribella said...

The Death Penalty. For or Against. Until it hits your family it's something most people don't really know how they would feel about. I had a young cousin that was abducted and killed. For more info you can contact me.

Denise Clark said...

Fathers raising children alone vs mothers raising children alone. The standards are set high for moms but dads are not expected to do as good of a job...

The problems of what to do with mentally retarded people who commit crimes such as rape....

All the issues surrounding the release of child molesters and where they can live....

Some states have laws that you can only protect your home and family with "Weapon for weapon". In other words you can only shoot a burglar if the burglar also has a gun...

The stigma of being an at home mom rather than a working mom and how that is changing...

Prostitution, the legal vs moral points....

Child abuse, what defines it and how "spankings" as punishment as changed over the years and the stigma attached....

Is that enough? Feel free to email me if you like more. I used to work in the legal field so this is right up my alley. Hope this is helpful..


Jacqueline TresBella said...

Could you do something about families with two working parents, when I thing one should be at home with the children?, but can't because they need the income?

Or I'm a teacher and I have many many students who have divorced parents and they are shuttled back and forth every weekend or sometimes the middle of the week or other strange times. I don't know what the judge thinks when the rules are decided, but it is certainly not with the children in mind. I have one student who have to travel 1/2 the state every weekend to stay with Dad for 2 days, then travel back and go back to school on Monday. That's just absurd.

Don't know if any of this helps, but it is a problem

Also parents need to become more involved with their children at school. The teachers are not to raise the children. We have parents who expect us to teach morals, etc. Some parents do not even know what classes their child takes (I teach HS) and just don't care. I feel for those, but some parents are just lazy. They are teenagers they cannot look after themselves yet, but some have to.
I could go on. Maybe this will give you some ideas.


Susan said...

How about something along the lines of "The truth, no matter how awful or pretty, is always the best route to take. It may kill you, but the truth will set you free." I work at a school that encourages and expects the truth over any excuses. People always have little white lies, but sometimes keeping silent far outweighs and leads to more integrity in your life than telling those white lies, that lead to something else." So many people live by the white lies and take them on as becoming their truths. Court cases, life, jsut about everything revolves around some kind of a lie. Imagine just having to deal with the truth.

Just a thought.

Dawnmarie said...

Child discipline could be a good topic. What is considered "ok" in today's world compared to that of earlier times.

I do like some of the other thoughts though. The Death Penalty really piques my interest. Good luck on the paper!

Carol L said...

Illegal immigration... take either side... those who feel they have a right to come here and improve themselves and take the jobs no one else wants to work vs the drain on resources... health, welfare... school systems.


Kimmie said...

Thoughts I have...

Adoption (or voluntarily getting pregant as a)for single parents?
Adoption (or raising a child as a) for gay couples?

Corporal punishment... spanking children vs. abuse - what's the difference

Criminal system and how it treats minors as offenders vs. adults...

Pulling the plug vs. artificial means of keeping a loved one alive... in children? in the elderly? in adults?

Unknown said...

Well, my first thought was the stay at home mom vs the working mom, but I see that has already been mentioned.

What about homeschooling v. public school?

Or the press for women to be thin - how far is too far?

China's limits on how many children each couple can have? This was just in the news more because there was an earthquake and many children were killed and the parents are too old to start over, but lost everything because they were only allowed the one child.

Freedom of speech or religion... how much gov't dictation is acceptable?


Ginny Kiernan Dahlberg said...

Gay marraige leaps to mind; my husband's older sister has lived with her partner for 30+ years; now the partner will be her caregiver as she early in Alzheimer's. They've share lives, family, love and laughter, and a loyalty deeper than "mere" fidelity. Yet most states would allow no more than "civil union" - something that offers legal rights, but not MORAL and spiritual (I'm not talking "religious" here, spiritual is not institutionalized) rights/good. Makes me furious as it's clear sexual orientation isn't a choice, but with one at birth. However, you wouldn't even have to address that part - just the non-existent distinction (in fact) between civil union and marraige (as a civil, non-religious lifestyle).

Unknown said...

This may not effect all but it's an issue that is getting out of control--the elderly care. Specifically the care of the elderly and the costs associated with this care. I am dealing with a mother with end stages of Alzheimer's disease. This is an awful way for a life to end, she is a mere shell of the person she once was.

My parents saved money, unfortunately that money is now gone--spent on assisted living, then skilled care, medical, pharmacuetical and the normal finances of daily living.

Here is a husband and wife team that lived a frugal life saving for their senior years and in less than 5 years, it's gone due to health and medical care issues and longer life expectancy.

Social Security barely covers monthly expenses let alone costs associated with assisted and skilled nursing care.

I'm a single mother that raised two children, that is nothing compared to caring for my mother--my father passed away 4 years ago. First my father, now my mother--something needs to be done. What's going to happen when Social Security dries up and costs for the elderly continue to increase. I don't have a solution but someone/something needs to change!!!!

Lisa said...

I emailed you my idea...

Anonymous said...

Gun Contro would be a good topic. Do we have the right to carry a weapon or not? Do we have the right to protect our property and person? My daughter is doing her final project for her critical thinking class on this topic. She has completed her research and found sources and is now working on her powerpoint presentation. I'm sure if you choose this subject, she's be willing to share information with you.


Tracy in Michigan said...

An idea that came to mind is the exclusion of God in all areas of modern day life as the result a minority of non-Christian citizens being 'offended'. Also, another related idea (based on a debate between my husband and I this morning) is the issue of separation of church and state and how religion seems to be playing a big part in the election and should it 'be allowed'. :-)

Best of luck - I remember those days when I was completing my MBA. Oh what fun! :-) Tracy in MIchigan,

Amanda said...

I left a comment, but as it is not showing up I will try again.

Gays in the military. The status quo is they can't serve and I don't see how that is just. Not just for the person who wants to serve and is told their sexuality precludes them from defending their country. Will the statement "I'm gay" excuse one from serving should the draft ever be reinstated? Yes, the official policy is "don't ask, don't tell" but it doesn't work because it essentially requires the person to hide their personal life from everyone they work with and if they get caught then they've "told." I could go on and on as I simply don't see the policy as being fair or just.

Anonymous said...

Gays in the military...

Christi Flores said...

Pretty much everything I thought of was already mentioned. Best of luck sweetie and I'll email if I can think of anything else.

Anonymous said...

Going along with the immigration issue...Should the U.S. claim English as the official language of our country? Do we insist that immigrants learn and use English? What about having signs in English and Spanish? Is the U.S. watering down its own culture to allow for others'? Lots of differing opinions.

Diane said...

What about the ways in which a new baby can change a relationship.
Having children is a wonderful thing but it also adds stress. How do people cope?

Kim said...

Hi Carrie....I did my philosphy paper (way back in the day) on Euthenasia (dealing with Dr. Kervorkian). Another topic that is huge right now would be the Pledge of Allegiance in the school system. Hope these topics are GREAT help to you! I wish you all the luck with writing your paper!
Hugs~ Kim

(tinxmagic) Laura said...

My strong points and the things that pop in my mind are:
Domestic Partnership - (gay rights) How the government is currently trying to take RIGHTS away from citizens... after we have worked for so long to make this country "Equal rights".

Seperation of Religion and Government: - Why they even talk about taking the word "GOD" out of schools, off money, and so on but then turn around and say that Marriage is a "god" thing and shouldn't be recognized by state when there is same sex marriage. (I am not gay but my mom is and I feel bad that she can't have the same rights with her partner as the rest of us. Her partner can't even go into the hospital room with her if she goes into the ICU.)
How about this new thing that is coming out right now with Bush wanting to "redefine" birth control as a form of abortion!?!
Interesting things coming about here!
Have fun with it!

(tinxmagic) Laura said...

I just typed a huge long thing and it didn't show up! ???? HUMMM????
Anyway in a nut shell - cause I am not typing it all again.
Domestic Partnership - How we have worked so hard to fight for Equal rights all these years, and now the government and those strong conservatives want to take away the very rights from people who happen to love someone that is the same sex.
How we are taking "God" out of everything- Money, Schools, etc. but we are still dictating and using Religion as "power". I.E. No god said in schools but then go back to the gay's union not being recognized by government because the "bible" says it is not a "normal" love. Our government is so wishy washy!
How about this new thing with Bush trying to pass... Redifining Birth Control to call it ABORTION. This would make it so that B.C. wouldn't be covered by Insurance.
How about the thing that we just had all over with McCain... "Why does insurance pay for Viagra but NOT some Birth Control?"

Shannon Roberts said...

It sounds like most have covered todays issues??? I was going to suggest working parents/childcare in today's world?? Please share with us all your decision & what a wonderful thing you are doing !!