I hate that I am such a procrastonator!!! Even right at this very moment. I am updating my blog instead of getting a mile long crafty-to-do-list done. Ha!! Oh well, I figure it will all get done someday.
I am sooo overdue on posting a HUGE thank you to my new BFF Ami. Looooove her!!! I love that I finally found someone here in Texas that I can Scrap with, Stamp with, laugh with, cuss up a storm with, share tears with, make things for, get things from....and I'll stop there just to keep you interested. My Love list of Ami could go on and on!!! I am so glad that SU! brought Ami to me. If you have hung out with us, you know!! If you have not scrapped with us yet, you are missing out and are welcome to join us anytime!!! Here is what my Ami made for me using her Cricut Cartridge "Boxes, Bags and Tags".

She was such a little sneaky sneak!! She pulled a bunch of pictures off of my blog and myspace and made the cutest topnote type album. I have had a rough few weeks of school, work and just in a real slump. So she whipped me up a batch of inspiration...and it worked!!! I am much better. Ami and I scrapped all last weekend with random visitors. It was sooo much fun.
Thanks to my Ami for helping me back!!!
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