O.k. peeps..... I am going through my usual procrastination of writing my final paper. I was even not feeling well in the middle of the week and had extra time to get into it and get it done. Did I do that??? Heck NO!!!
I have been working on it yesterday and today and hopefully will get into full gear tomorrow morning. I went to bed early last night with the same intentions...but this morning I cheerfully jumped at the chance to offer up and take my parents dog to the vet. I even choose a "near miss" mental breakdown while choosing to take my almost 4 yr old to the vet with me and the dog during a "4 hour only, first come, first serve, standing room only shot clinic". If that weren't nearly enough I decided to stop at Hobby Lobby and leave the dog in the car and drag my lovely little boy (who just finshed his fruit and yogurt parfait after sharing it with Missy) into the store with me. I didn't have to wash his face because the part that Missy did leave on his face would soon be taken care of by the sudden down pour of rain. So we hussled on in. After 5 or ten minutes of only spending $2.78 we fought our way back to the car. By the way.....if you ever have to take a lil one into Hobby Lobby some GENIUS planted the party favor isle right next to the scrapbooking dept. that had tons of stuff for like 3/1.00 or .50 ea. The kids think that they have gone to HEAVEN when you tell them if they are really good, they can pick 3 things. AWESOME GOODNESS!!!!
Back to the good stuff....as my sister Sherrie would say..."Thats not the funny part"...
So we got soaked and went home. All day long I have been mostly staring at my paper....(DARN IT AMI JUST HAAAD TO TAKE A NAP!!!! ) I kept thinking....10 more mins...at the top of the hour.....after I eat.....after I pee. I even offered to watch one of "his" movies tonight and thought I would start fresh tomorrow morning with a clear head. Well, his movie sucked. I was just sitting here in my room and looked up....
Horns playing) Dunnnnn...Daaaa.....Daaaa.....Daaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

This is the funny part. Way back in 2003 or early 2004 my other sister Pam and I both bought these little Sew Crafty machines. We just HAD to have them!!! I have not ever used this thing until tonight!!!! I am telling you if someone would have asked me to sit and watch their paint dry....today would have been the day and I would have loved to do it!!! I was sooo excited to do anything but my paper at this point. I climbed my booty on up to the tippy top shelves and dusted this little guy off for the first time ever.
It took some practice, but look at what I was able to do...
I know this post has gone on a little long....I have cracked my self up something silly. I was catching up on some blogs and Julie had a title..."What do you do, when you don't know what to do?" That is what started this post......and avoiding my paper still. I bet I could win some kind of "Use it up" or "Ways to use it" challenge...but we might save that for tomorrow. What???? My paper isn't technically due until Monday......I have time still.....LOL!!!!
Thanks for listening,
Ohhh a little sewing machine!!! I just recently bought a little Janome and I am just getting the hand of it. I know you and you will get that paper done and you will Ace it also!!! Good luck.
LOL I'm cracking up AND remembering my college days as well! :) Terrific sewing BUT what is your paper's theme?
I'm cracking up and remembering my college days! :)
Great sewing but what is the theme of your paper?
I found a puncher similiar to that. I tossed it because I was thnking "hmmm, sewing,,,,, me?" But, what you found will look nice on pages and cards.
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