Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Mothers Day Card

All of my boys know that it is out of question to EVER buy me a store bought card. The only time of year they are allowed to come into my scrap room is for my birthday and Mothers day...which usually fall in the same week. I have been spending a lot of time in my scrap room lately, so this is what my boys did...

My husband is a Manager at a print shop and he mounted an laminated a picture of both boys on foam core board. He said it took him 3 weeks to find the right picture that would fold exactly with one of the boys on each side. ATTA BOY!!!! Not only did he do that, he found the perfect poem and everyone signed my card.

He was so excited...and rightfully so...he showed everyone at the baseball game last night before I got there. THE WHOLE TEAM KNEW, BUT ME!!! ATTA BOY!!! They were all so excited this morning that I got the card a whole day early...hmmm... wonder what I will get tomorrow? Or Tuesday for my birthday?? I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Here is a pic of the outside and the inside with the poem and writing.



Anonymous said...

What a cute card!
You ROCK!!!!
From your Big SIS:) LOL

Kimmie said...

That card is too sweet!